Speech Therapy for Children

Early Intervention Group Therapy
The Early Intervention Group Therapy Program is designed to enhance communication and socialization skills within functional activities that children engage in every day. These group therapy programs begin when our young patients are infants and continue until our patients are 4 years old. Children can participate in one or more of the early intervention classes.


Group and Individual Therapy
Speech and language disorders are likely to have a significant effect on a child’s social and academic development. Early identification and treatment of these disorders can help children with reading, writing, and social skills. Providence Speech and Hearing Center provides individual and group therapy sessions for preschoolers, school-aged children, and young adolescents. Prior to any treatment, we initiate a comprehensive evaluation to determine the appropriate intervention plan for each patient.  


Craniofacial Clinic in Partnership With CHOC
Children with a cleft palate likely suffer from voice, nasal, resonance, articulation, swallowing, and language delay problems. As a member of the CHOC cleft palate and craniofacial team, our expert speech language pathologists work with medical teams to assess and monitor each child’s development. Through regular contact at the Craniofacial Clinic, our patients receive the necessary treatment to improve their overall speech intelligibility.


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Social Skills Program for Pragmatic Language Disorders
Children with pragmatic difficulties often show problems using language in ways appropriate for their age. Pragmatic language disorders are characterized by excessive interruption and other socially inappropriate speech behavior, including a lack of eye contact or inability to engage in normal conversational exchange. Group therapy focuses on developing appropriate communicative behavior, including making introductions, asking questions, sharing ideas, expressing needs and wants, accepting suggestions, identifying emotions, monitoring body language and personal space, and listening appropriately.


Voice Clinic
Voice disorders and misuse are common in children. Children often use shouting, screaming, yelling, and excessive talking to get the attention of others, leading to serious vocal abuse problems. This can lead to inflammation of the vocal folds, chronic laryngitis, vocal nodules, vocal polyps, and contact ulcers. These conditions are normally reversible with the elimination of the cause behaviors, along with a program of voice therapy and good vocal hygiene.


Talk2 Aural Habilitation Program
The Talk2 Aural Habilitation Program is a comprehensive group therapy program designed for hearing-impaired children and their families. The program emphasizes the use of residual hearing through an amplification device, while enhancing the auditory skills in the areas of sound detection, discrimination, identification, and comprehension.


Aural Rehabilitation
Hearing loss in infancy or early childhood can affect all aspects of speech and language development. Early signs may include abnormal phonation and articulation and delayed acquisition of language. These affects can be perpetuated by late or inadequate identification and treatment of hearing loss. Our therapy treatment includes training auditory perception, improving speech, and developing language and family support.